This event marks the First Ever Indo-French Football Tournament 2023, in partnership with INDO-FRENCH SPORTS ASSOCIATION.
We congratulate the IFSA team, sponsors, and partners for turning this historic occasion into a reality and bringing Indian players the opportunity to compete at the highest level. Kudos to all involved!
Indian Business Club – Paris is proud to be a part of this event. Come together for this historic occasion and make it a great kickoff. Join us on September 23 and 24 at Marcel Cerdan Stadium, 47 Rue Avaulée, 92240 Malakoff.
Ludovic Dalleau, Amair Farooqui, Rohit Sharma, Raju Sharma, Ranjit G. Singh, Abraham Thomas, Shrikant Sagar, Nicolas Boin Principato, Alain Arvind KAMALA, Kim Collaço, Nathalie Joulain, and more will be attending.
Event: First Indo-French Football Tournament
Date: September 23 and 24
Venue: Marcel Cerdan Stadium
Address: 47 Rue Avaulée, 92240 Malakoff